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Allegion Support Center


Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.8


BITSADMIN utility to monitor the status of auto update downloads


NOTE: The command line to run this utility is bitsadmin /list /allusers from the cmd prompt.


JUNCTION utility used in terminal server installs when the customer does not want PWS installed on the c drive. Refer to the Junction Program Instructions in the documentation area below.


INSTALL PWS AUTO UPDATER download and run this batch file on a user s machine if pwsupdatewindowsservicec++.exe is NOT running AND the user has OEW version 2.14 or later.


NOTE: To check if pwsupdatewindowsservicec++.exe is running, bring up task manager, click the Processes tab, ensure the option to view processes by all users is enabled, and look for the exe in the list.


NOTE: This is a zip file. You will have to download to user s desktop, unzip, and then double-click on installwindowsservice.bat to run the installation




Download and run this exe to uninstall the normal PWS update windows service and to install the test windows service. The test windows service downloads updates from a test location so that auto updates can be tested prior to release.


NOTE: To check if pwsupdatewindowsservice.exe is running, bring up task manager, click the Processes tab, ensure the option to view processes by all users is enabled, and look for the exe in the list.







Full Install version 3.30 Updated 02/10/2025


NOTE: FOR ALL VERSIONS STARTING WITH 2.19. The install will no longer automatically launch the vcredist_x86 installation. This must be manually downloaded using link below and executed following the install.


NOTE: This install will check if the user has .NET 2.0 installed. If not, you will receive a message and be redirected to a Microsoft website. From the site, click the link Download x86 version in the .NET framework 2.0 redistributable area.





NOTE: FOR ALL VERSIONS STARTING WITH 2.19. The install will no longer automatically launch the vcredist_x86 installation. This must be manually downloaded and executed following the install.



Update to 3.30(used to update all previous versions to 3.30) - Note: update.txt should be set to 438 after update


STECM version 8.31(updated



Crystal Reports Install





Pre-Installation Instructions Stand Alone


Pre-Installation Instructions Terminal Server


Pre-Installation Instructions LAN


Installation Instructions SSC users Note: ALL SSC users should use these instructions for installing



Installation Instructions Stand Alone


Installation Instructions Terminal Server



Installation Instructions - LAN


Upgrade Instructions Stand Alone


Upgrade Instructions - LAN


System Worksheet


System Requirements


Junction Program Instructions